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PIARC (World Road Association), founded in 1909 and comprising 125 member governments from all over the world, is the global forum for exchange of knowledge and experience on roads, road transport policies and practices. With consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the Association is contributing to a stable and sustainable global development of the road and transport sector.

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Publications Routes/Roads Winter Service

This page lists publications (Routes/Roads articles, Congresses proceedings) of PIARC in the field of winter service. These publications are classified chronologically.

  • Managing the Risk of Avalanches on the Road

    The Franco-Spanish consortium responsible for the Aragnouet-Bielsa Tunnel was created on June 2nd, 2008, as enshrined in the Bayonne Treaty signed between the Aragon Government (Spain) and France’s Upper Pyrenées Department. This entity conforms to a unified binational policy dictating maintenance and winter service on a cross-border itinerary through the heart of the Pyrenées range, at a maximum elevation of 1,880 m, hence exposed to the risks typical of high mountain roads. This highway connection, [...]

  • The 15th International Winter Road Congress in Gdańsk: A sneak preview of paper content

    Every four years, the culmination of activity sponsored by the World Road Association Technical Committee B.2 Winter service is showcased on the stage of an international Congress, with the next one scheduled for February 20th through 23rd in Gdańsk (Poland). According to the Association’s 2016-2019 Strategic Plan, this Committee is tasked with spearheading Congress preparation activities, in particular by defining its scientific and technical program, evaluating abstracts and full papers, and [...]

  • Civil protection planning and actions for managing hazards due to snowfall and frost

    This article describes the planning and actions of the different parties involved in emergency situations in order to ensure a better coordination and response to emergency.

  • The winter model - Socio-economic cost calculations for the future

    This paper makes a theoretical analysis on the effects from climate change on the winter maintenance and socio-economical costs.

  • Proceedings of the XIVth International Winter Road Congress -Andorra

    This DVD presents the Congress proceedings. It contains: information on organizing the Congress and the exhibition, the Congress program: the technical program and the program for accompanying persons; individual papers and the visual aids for the oral presentations; transcription of the opening ceremony, Ministers' session and closing session; the general report; list of participants; the four Congress journals; a selection of photos taken during the event.