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PIARC (World Road Association), founded in 1909 and comprising 125 member governments from all over the world, is the global forum for exchange of knowledge and experience on roads, road transport policies and practices. With consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the Association is contributing to a stable and sustainable global development of the road and transport sector.

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3.1 Road Safety

Fatal and Serious Crashes continue to be a problem for countries of all sizes. Countries are working to effectively address locations that are experiencing or have risk factors that are likely to lead to crashes. Technical Committee 3.1 "Road Safety" provides key resources for safety practitioners. As vulnerable road users are an important part of the transport system, and efforts to address the safety of these individuals are critical to the success of any safety program. WG1 addresses this issue. The Safe System Approach is now widely accepted; however, low- and middle-income countries experience greater difficulties in securing funding, developing the knowledge base, and understanding the first steps towards Safe System Implementation. This gap is assigned to WG2. Road safety requires the assessment of safety data, such as crash information, roadway geometrics, roadside conditions, and human factors, to effectively select strategies to reduce crash potential. A report is being developed by WG3. The Road Safety Manual is a premier PIARC online reference for safety professionals. Updating and providing requested materials are important to those using this reference. In this cycle, the effort will also incorporate parts of the PIARC 1st Edition worksheets and tools by WG4.(extract from the Strategic Plan)


  • 3.1.1 Securing the Safety of Vulnerable Road Users
  • 3.1.2 Safe System in Low and Lower-Middle Income Countries
  • 3.1.3 Diagnosing Road Safety Problems and Opportunities
  • 3.1.4 Update of the Road Safety Manual

Chair and Secretariat

  • Chair: John Milton (USA)
  • English-speaking Secretary: Auckpath SAWANGSURIYA (Thailand)
  • French-speaking Secretary: Matthieu HOLLAND (France)
  • Spanish-speaking Secretary: Pedro TOMAS MARTINEZ (Spain)

Interview with John Milton

Chair for the Technical Committee 3.1 "Road Safety"

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