Term of the Road Dictionary
cost-benefit analysis
- Language : PIARC Road Dictionary / English
- Theme : Financial and Legal Tools Finance and Procurement Economics and Finance
- Definition : Tool for identifying and quantifying the advantages and disadvantages of an intervention or project from the point of view of all the groups concerned and, where possible, attributing monetary values to each of them. Notes: 1. When it is neither relevant nor possible to use market prices to estimate a gain or a loss, a fictitious price can be set by estimating the willingness of beneficiaries to pay to obtain positive impacts or avoid negative impacts, or by estimating the loss of earnings in the absence of the goods or services considered. 2. Cost-benefit analysis is used mainly for ex-ante evaluation of projects, but can with care be used for ex-post evaluation.
- Abbreviation : CBA
- Synonyms : cost-benefit calculation / cost-benefit study / cost benefit study / cost effectiveness analysis
- Language : PIARC Road Dictionary / German
- Theme : Finanz- und Rechtsinstrumente Finanzen und Vergabewesen Betriebswirtschaft und Finanzen
- Definition : Verfahren, bei dem die Nutzen und Kosten von Maßnahmen monetär bewertet werden.
- Synonyms : Kosten-Nutzen-Berechnung / Kosten-Nutzen-Untersuchung / Wirtschaftlichkeitsberechnung / Wirtschaftlichkeitsuntersuchung