ROUTES/ROADS Magazine - Previous issues available
The PIARC magazine
Your quarterly magazine on roads and road transport
Read the online magN° 321 — XXIInd World Road Congress
1st Quarter 2004 / January
Contents of Routes/Roads magazine N° 321
by Jean-François Corté
XXIInd World Road Congress
Emerging Contractors - Partners in Development
106 pages, bilingual French-English, distribution: 6,000 copies.
PIARC President: Olivier Michaud (Switzerland)
Director of Publication: Jean-François Corté
Editor in chief: G. Batac
Editorial Assistants: Véronique Ancelin, Marie Pastol, Cécile Aurousseau
Making up, printing, diffusion: Compédit Beauregard S. A. (France)
Price of a single copy: 13 €
ISSN : 0004-556 X
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Authors may or may not be members of the Association. Articles are subject to peer review, with technical committees of PIARC or outside experts to decide on publication.
Information on the life of the Association completes the magazine.
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