ROUTES/ROADS Magazine - Previous issues available
The PIARC magazine
Your quarterly magazine on roads and road transport
Read the online magN° 334 — Customer Orientation - Urban Pavements - PIARC Test Tyres
2nd Quarter 2007 / April
Contents of Routes/Roads magazine N° 334
by Anne-Marie Leclerc
What's new?
- Calendar
- Focus on coming events
- News: The PARIS 2007 Congress - After TRB - Etc.
- Update: Argentine - France - Royaume-Uni
- From strategic planning to everyday practice - Customer orientation in Nordic Road Administrations - Hanna Ackley
- A road users perspective of network performance in Australia - Charles Waingold, Darryn Paterson
- Activities of NEXCO East in Japan - Keiichi Inoue
- Effects of pavement on fires in road tunnels - Willy De Lathauwer
- PIARC test tyres representativity for skid resistance measurement - Michel Gothié
- Focus on urban pavements - Jean-Pierre Christory
- Current practice in the appraisal of roads within a multimodal planning system - Andrew Clarke, Kjell Ottar Sandvik, Lennart Kallander, Stephanie White
Road stories
The Technical Reports of the Committees 3.3, 2.1 et 2.4
Note to the authors
96 pages, bilingual French-English.
PIARC President: Colin Jordan (Australia)
Director of Publication: Jean-François Corté
Editor in chief: Franck Charmaison
Art direction: Céline Le Graciet
Publishing Assistant: Cécile Aurousseau
Translations: Marie Pastol (AIPCR-PIARC), Isabelle Chemin
Also with the participation of: Véronique Anselin, Roger Apharel, Pierre Castelino (AIPCR-PIARC)
Printing: Imprimerie Moderne de Bayeux (France) ; Diffusion: GIS (France)
Price of a single copy: 18 €
Subscription (4 issues a year): 56 €
ISSN : 0004-556 X
Submit an article
Authors may or may not be members of the Association. Articles are subject to peer review, with technical committees of PIARC or outside experts to decide on publication.
Information on the life of the Association completes the magazine.
To submit an article for Routes/Roads, see the note to authors.