ROUTES/ROADS Magazine - Previous issues available
The PIARC magazine
Your quarterly magazine on roads and road transport
Read the online magN° 378 — Road Tunnels
3rd Quarter 2018 / October
Contents of the issue N° 378 of Routes/Roads Magazine
by Óscar Gutiérrez
- WHAT'S NEW? Update on the World Road Association's Actions
- The World Road Congress, 6-10 October 2019, Abu Dhabi
- UPDATE: ITA-COSUF: Fruitful cooperation between PIARC and ITA - DG-QRAM: DG-QRAM Software on Dangerous Goods Quantitative Risk Assessment Method Upgrade - Mexico: International Climate Change Adaptation Framework for Road Infrastructure - PIARC Special Pr
Spotlight on young professionals - Fabien Noraz (France)
Forum for National Committees: AMIVTAC, Mexico
- The Technical Committee D.5 Road Tunnel Operations: a Highly Active Community of Experts - Marc Tesson
- Effectiveness of Risk Mitigation Measures for Road Tunnels - Bernhard Kohl
- Safety Impact of the Physical and Fluid-Dynamic Lengths of a Tunnel - Lorenzo Domenichini, Salvatore Giua and Flavio J. Caputo
- Provision for Persons with Reduced Mobility during a Tunnel Incident - Peter Bishop
- Influence of Activated Fixed Fire-Fighting Systems on User Behaviour during Self-Evacuation - Ingo Kaundinya, Anne Lehan and Andreas Muehmberger
- Lean Tech: How to Reduce the Ever-Increasing Equipment in Modern Road Tunnels? Urs Welte and Ingo Riess
- Air Velocities Permitted in Road Tunnels, and Other Requirements for a Safe Escape Route in Case of Fire - Ronald Mante
- Alternative Fuels and the Future of Road Tunnels and Road Tunnel Design - Norris Harvey and Mat Bilson
- LED Lighting in ASFINAG Road Tunnels - Alexander Wierer
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68 pages, English, distribution: 3,200 copies towards 142 countries.
PIARC President: Claude Van Rooten (Belgium)
Director of Publication: Patrick Malléjacq
Editor: Robin Sébille
Publishing Assistant: Cécile Jeanne
Translations: Marie Pastol (PIARC), Id2m, Rennes (France), Isabelle Chemin, Isabelle Couté-Rodriguez, Robert Sachs
Printing: IMB (France) ; Diffusion: GIS (France)
Price of a single copy: 20 €
Subscription (4 issues a year): 60 €
ISSN : 0004-556 X
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Information on the life of the Association completes the magazine.
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