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PIARC (World Road Association), founded in 1909 and comprising 125 member governments from all over the world, is the global forum for exchange of knowledge and experience on roads, road transport policies and practices. With consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the Association is contributing to a stable and sustainable global development of the road and transport sector.

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All PIARC Publications

There are 777 results for your search

  • Optimizing the Existing Interurban Road Network

    As part of the PIARC 2000-2003 work program, the Committee on Interurban Roads (C4) decided to discuss and investigate the links between the various measures available for optimising the existing interurban road network. The objective of the group is to establish the measures which work best to improve [...]

    • Date : 2003
    • Pages : 56
    • PIARC Ref. : 04.06.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-142-7
  • Parking Policies

    This report attempts to provide a global insight into parking policies. It describes the parking systems in several large cities (Brussels, Montreal, Quebec City, Prague, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Grenoble, Lyons, Nice, Budapest, Milan, Nagoya, Yokohama, London). The report contains a comparative [...]

    • Date : 1995
    • Pages : 77
    • PIARC Ref. : 10.06.BEN
    • ISBN : RRspécial-I-1995
  • PIARC Seminars - Recommendations for Planning and Carrying out PIARC Seminars

    These methodological guidelines suggest recommendations to Chairpersons and Secretaries of PIARC Technical Committees aiming at convincing them of the desirability of organising seminars in conjunction with certain plenary meetings of their Committees or Groups and give them some advice for this purpose. [...]

    • Date : 1999
    • Pages : 22
    • PIARC Ref. : 03.07.BEN
  • Planning & Budgeting on Road Network Level - Presentation of Budgets for Decision-Makers

    The maintenance of road networks is becoming increasingly important. For this reason we must seek to employ new management systems. Construction and maintenance of public roads are paid by taxpayers. Fundamentally the taxpayer (the road user) has financial responsibility for the system - their interests [...]

    • Date : 2000
    • Pages : 42
    • PIARC Ref. : 06.05.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-113-3
  • Planning and Programming of Maintenance Budgets

    Maintenance is essential to prevent the deterioration of asset value and ensure user safety. However, the budgets allocated for maintenance are often considered insufficient to keep the infrastructure at optimum levels. The reasons for this funding shortfall can be a lack of means within the road administration, [...]

    • Date : 2004
    • Pages : 80
    • PIARC Ref. : 06.08.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-168-0
  • Pollution by Nitrogen Dioxide in Road Tunnels

    This report has been prepared by the PIARC Committee on Road Tunnel Operation (C5) working group n° 2 devoted to Pollution, Ventilation and Environment. Awareness of the problem raised by nitrogen oxides in urban environment which came up following pollution phenomena (e.g. in London in 1952) has [...]

    • Date : 2000
    • Pages : 48
    • PIARC Ref. : 05.09.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-127-3
  • Porous Asphalt

    For about ten years, the use of porous asphalt has grown rapidly in some countries where the material is used for a large part in road surface maintenance works on highly trafficked roads. Some countries even impose porous asphalt on motorways beyond a certain level of traffic. On the other hand, some [...]

    • Date : 1993
    • Pages : 192
    • PIARC Ref. : 08.01.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-003-X
  • Practical Guidelines for the Design and Construction of Road Embankments

    The practical guidelines contained in this report have been developed from the results of a survey on the state of the art in the design and construction of road embankments. In March 1993 a questionnaire was circulated to collect information about the "rules of the art in the design and construction [...]

    • Date : 1999
    • Pages : 36
    • PIARC Ref. : 12.03.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-057-9
  • Priority to Public Transport and Other High Occupancy Vehicles (HOV)on Urban Roads

    The PIARC Committee on Urban Areas has reviewed the measures used by its member countries to assist the movement of public transport and other high occupancy vehicles [HOVs] on urban road networks with a view to disseminating more widely knowledge of good practice in the efficient use of congested road [...]

    • Date : 1995
    • Pages : 45
    • PIARC Ref. : 10.07.BEN
    • ISBN : RRspécial-II-1995
  • Procurement of Works, Goods and Services by Road Administrations

    This report sets out a framework for international collaboration on improving procurement of works, goods and services by Road Administrations. It develops the background for a dossier of best practice summaries linked to road network and organizational characteristics so that the information can be [...]

    • Date : 2003
    • Pages : 96
    • PIARC Ref. : 15.05.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-143-5
  • Public-Private Partnerships and other Innovative Partnerships in Financing Infrastructure

    One of the goals of the 2000 PIARC Strategic Plan is to improve the performance of road administrations through an exchange of information on best practices throughout the world. A strategy explored by the Technical Committee on Economic and Financial Evaluation - C9 was to identify successful experiences [...]

    • Date : 2003
    • Pages : 96
    • PIARC Ref. : 09.05.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-146-X
  • Quality systems and improved performance

    The initial discussions of working group of the PIARC Technical Committee on Performance of Road Administrations (C15) on quality systems indicated that they were being used by road administrations to improve management at both the organisational and project level. The working group developed a conceptual [...]

    • Date : 2000
    • Pages : 52
    • PIARC Ref. : 15.04.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-133-8
  • Recycling of Existing Flexible Pavements

    The use of non-renewable resources, and the disposal of materials as waste, recycling of materials is an increasingly important consideration in meeting the overall objective of sustainable development. This objective, together with economic considerations, contribute to a political climate where [...]

    • Date : 2002
    • Pages : 67
    • PIARC Ref. : 08.07.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-139-7
  • Reduction of Car Traffic in City Centers

    Drafted by the PIARC Technical Committee on Roads in Urban Areas, this report takes as its starting-point the increasing problems caused by car traffic in large towns. The report lists a number of proposed solutions and their consequences, illustrated by examples from various large towns. Economic control [...]

    • Date : 1990
    • PIARC Ref. : 10.01.BEN
  • Reliability-Based Assessment of Highway Bridges

    Many countries around the world are currently facing increasing demands on their resources for the maintenance of their existing bridges. Many of these bridges were built long ago and are inadequate for modern traffic requirements while others are showing serious deterioration resulting from the application [...]

    • Date : 1999
    • Pages : 184
    • PIARC Ref. : 11.10.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-101-X
  • Repair of Bridges under Traffic

    It has been recognized that in many countries a considerable practical experience on repair of bridges under traffic was available. This report gathers 33 case histories of projects from practice dealing with many different aspects of bridge inspection, maintenance, repair, strengthening and renewal [...]

    • Date : 1991
    • Pages : 416
    • PIARC Ref. : 11.03.BEN
  • Restructuring of the Road Sector

    The aim of this report is to answer the question 'who is responsible for what' in dealing with road infrastructure and road transport issues concentrating strictly on organizational rather than financial issues even if it is often difficult to separate one from the other. The information contained [...]

    • Date : 2000
    • Pages : 96
    • PIARC Ref. : 15.01.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-130-3
  • Road Accidents: A Worldwide Problem that can be tackled with successfully!

    The anticipated growth of (motorized) mobility on a global scale will, without effective road safety management, lead to an increase in the number of fatal accidents and injured persons. An overview of prominent examples of effective measures is given. Also activities and measures which could lead to [...]

    • Date : 1996
    • Pages : 94
    • PIARC Ref. : 13.01.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-041-2
  • Road Design and Traffic Operation Guidelines to aid the Older Motorists

    Studies show that the number and percentage of older people in general, and older drivers in particular, are growing rapidly. By the year 2025 people aged 60 and over are expected to account for about 24 percent of the European population, 22 percent of the Northern American population, and almost 14 [...]

    • Date : 1991
    • Pages : 68
    • PIARC Ref. : 10.03.BEN
  • Road in Desert Areas

    Drafted by the PIARC Technical Committee on Roads in Developing Regions, this report provides information on the construction and maintenance of roads in desert areas.

    • Date : 1991
    • Pages : 88
    • PIARC Ref. : 03.03.BEN
  • Road Network Operations Handbook

    Historically, road authorities responded to increasing demand by adding capacity, building new roads or expanding the existing ones. With the high costs and constraints on building conventional infrastructure, maximising the effectiveness of existing systems, including capitalising on new technologies [...]

    • Date : 2003
    • Pages : 304
    • PIARC Ref. : 16.02.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-145-1
  • Road Safety Audits

    A Road Safety Audit is a formal systematic road safety assessment of the road or road scheme carried out by an independent, qualified auditor or team of auditors who report on the project's accident potential for all kinds of road users. Although the initial cost of the design will be a little higher, [...]

    • Date : 2001
    • Pages : 92
    • PIARC Ref. : 13.02.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-135-4
  • Road Safety in Tunnels

    Since 1992 the PIARC Technical Committee on Road Tunnel Operation (C5) (Working Group on Traffic and Geometry) has started a world-wide survey in order to update the data on road safety. In addition to the global information on road safety, the various members of the Group have been requested to [...]

    • Date : 1996
    • Pages : 64
    • PIARC Ref. : 05.04.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-036-6
  • Road Tunnels: Emissions, Environment, Ventilation

    Due to a steady tightening of emission laws for cars and changes in the risk assessment of a tunnel fire, some design data need constant updating. The Report of the PIARC Committee on Road Tunnels to the XXth World Road Congress, 1995 (20.05.B) reviews the art of tunnel ventilation over the last 15 [...]

    • Date : 1996
    • Pages : 64
    • PIARC Ref. : 05.02.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-034-X
  • Road Tunnels: reduction of Operating Costs

    The purpose of the report is to identify the main operational cost factors for road tunnels and to show, with examples and recommendations, how such costs could be reduced without conflicting with an acceptable standard of operational safety. The topic "Operational Costs of Tunnels" was an agenda [...]

    • Date : 1999
    • Pages : 156
    • PIARC Ref. : 05.06.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-111-7