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PIARC (World Road Association), founded in 1909 and comprising 125 member governments from all over the world, is the global forum for exchange of knowledge and experience on roads, road transport policies and practices. With consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the Association is contributing to a stable and sustainable global development of the road and transport sector.

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All PIARC Publications

There are 777 results for your search

  • Traffic Incident Management Systems used in Road Tunnels

    This report mainly identifies incident detection and verification devices being used in tunnels to provide operators with the information required to implement response scenarios, devices and systems being used by operating agencies to respond to incidents, and communicate with motorists within the [...]

    • Date : 2005
    • Pages : 64
    • PIARC Ref. : 05.15.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-159-1
  • Traffic Management and Quality of Service

    The Topic Area Traffic Management and Quality of Service deals with several issues from the PIARC Strategic Plan for the period of 1995 - 1999. It deals with (1.2) "improving quality standards for design, construction, equipment and maintenance", (4.1) "improving traffic planning and management, taking [...]

    • Date : 2000
    • Pages : 96
    • PIARC Ref. : 10.12.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-118-4
  • Training program Design - Tehnology Transfer in the Road Sector - Transport Guidelines for Training Programs Design

    These methodological guidelines are mainly aimed at countries wishing to acquire new technologies by way of transfer, in the road sector, in its broader meaning, which includes construction, maintenance and operation of roads as well as organization and management. These guidelines address the criteria [...]

    • Date : 1999
    • Pages : 28
    • PIARC Ref. : 03.06.BEN
  • Transport and Urban Development

    Because of the close relation between land use, environment, economic and transportation, it is necessary to co-ordinate land use and transportation planning. Professionals seek integrated approaches to ensure that urban, regional and economic development takes place in an environment that addresses [...]

    • Date : 1999
    • Pages : 64
    • PIARC Ref. : 10.10.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-100-1
  • Transport Interchanges and Urban Development

    As a part of the PIARC 2000-2003 work program, the Committee on Urban Areas and Integrated Urban Transport (C10) investigated the relations between transport interchanges and urban development, in order to : identify best practices of integrated passenger interchanges in urban development and freight [...]

    • Date : 2003
    • Pages : 10
    • PIARC Ref. : 10.13.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-150-8
  • Types of structures Selected for new Bridges

    New bridges are usually considered as long term investments. Therefore they should be designed to comply not only with the demands on trafficability and durability of today, but also with the future demands. For the road manager the goal should be to find solutions which fulfil present and future demands [...]

    • Date : 1996
    • Pages : 172
    • PIARC Ref. : 11.06.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-040-4
  • Urban Mobility

    A dilemma faces public policy makers today in much of the world and particularly in the developing world. In all societies, individuals have similar time pressures on their day and similar needs to access opportunities. The statistics presented in this report demonstrate that as persons gain the means [...]

    • Date : 1995
    • Pages : 51
    • PIARC Ref. : 10.05.BEN
    • ISBN : RRspécial-I-1995
  • Urban Road Design and Architecture

    This report develops further ideas (see 10.04.B page 49) on the organization and design of the urban road network, with the following main objectives: to develop the "environmental capacity" concept introduced by Buchanan report (1963), to explore the relationship between functional and visual [...]

    • Date : 1995
    • Pages : 34
    • PIARC Ref. : 10.08.BEN
    • ISBN : RR-II-1995
  • Urban Road Network Management

    Many different organizations are interested in using the area above and below the streets. One of the most important things is to co-ordinate and harmonize the various areas of interest. The purpose of this report is to show who decides how the street zones in cities are used; to show different organizational [...]

    • Date : 1995
    • PIARC Ref. : 10.09.BEN
  • Use of Innovative Materials for Bridge Construction and Repair

    The management of bridges is greatly affected by the material used in their construction as well as for repairs and maintenance, with regard to requirements of performance, durability and quality. In order to obtain a better understanding of the availability and development of innovative materials [...]

    • Date : 2001
    • Pages : 192
    • PIARC Ref. : 11.09.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-137-0
  • Vehicle Size and Weight Limits - Experiences and Trends

    The objective of this report is to present an overview of problems concerning vehicle weight and dimensions monitoring and enforcement, such as National and international regulation for vehicle weight and dimensions and need of harmonization; the Directive 96/53 as a legal basis of the harmonization [...]

    • Date : 2004
    • Pages : 56
    • PIARC Ref. : 19.01.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-170-2
  • Whole Life Costing of Roads - Flexible Pavements

    The objective of the Road Technology Topic Area set out in the 1995-1999 PIARC Strategic Plan is "to improve the provision, maintenance and performance of road infrastructure in accordance with international best practice". One of the essential requirements to meet this objective is a means of assessing [...]

    • Date : 2000
    • Pages : 200
    • PIARC Ref. : 08.09.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-94060-119-2
  • Whole-Life Costing of Roads - Concrete Roads

    In 1996, PIARC Technical Committee on Concrete Roads (C7) created a subcommittee on the theme "Whole Life Costing (WLC)". On the basis of a broad view over the subject, based on the existing WLC systems in Sweden and UK (COMPARE), two questionnaires were drawn and issued in 1997. The result of the [...]

    • Date : 2000
    • Pages : 72
    • PIARC Ref. : 07.09.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-94060-114-1
  • Why and How to Develop a Road Transportation Technology Transfer Center?

    As road practitioners have faced and overcome obstacles and challenges to road building and road operations, there has been a recognition that in the next country or half way around the world solutions have been developed that may have application beyond the original location. As the travel demands [...]

    • Date : 2000
    • Pages : 38
    • PIARC Ref. : 03.08.BEN
  • Fighting corruption in developing countries

    Definition, description, analysis and effects of corruption in developing countries.

    • Date : 2006
    • Pages : 10
    • PIARC Ref. : RR330-064
  • Full-depth reclamation of pavement in Québec

    Description of the three FDR processes used In Québec.

    • Date : 2006
    • Pages : 10
    • PIARC Ref. : RR330-026
  • Good governance, institutional integrity and human resources management for road administrations

    Synthesis of the PIARC seminar in Warsaw, Poland, 20-22 October 2005

    • Date : 2006
    • Pages : 8
    • PIARC Ref. : RR330-056
  • Intelligent transport systems (ITS), activities at the European Union level

    Description of the current state of play with deployment of ITS in Europe. Analysis of its contribution to the provision of safe, efficient and sustainable transport, fit for the twenty first century. List of the domains that need to be pursued to safeguard interoperability between systems and services [...]

    • Date : 2006
    • Pages : 8
    • PIARC Ref. : RR330-074
  • Overall overview of the TREMTI 2005 Symposium

    This article presents the conclusion of the Symposium organized 24-26 October 2005, in Paris.

    • Date : 2006
    • Pages : 6
    • PIARC Ref. : RR330-020
  • Risk management applied to the Fréjus tunnel

    Description of the risk analysis context, methodology and conclusions drawn in the risk management study made by French and Italian authorities.

    • Date : 2006
    • Pages : 8
    • PIARC Ref. : RR330-082
  • The stabilization of unsurfaced roads using bischofite in the Atacama region

    Summary of the constructional principles and other technical aspects to be considered for successful application of stabilization works using magnesium chloride, as well as its economic benefits and constraints.

    • Date : 2006
    • Pages : 6
    • PIARC Ref. : RR330-040
  • Use of PIARC test tyres for the characterisation of skid resistance

    Recall of the origin of the PIARC test tyres, presentation of the usage procedures followed in different countries and presentation of PIARC latest recommendations.

    • Date : 2006
    • Pages : 10
    • PIARC Ref. : RR330-046
  • Use of reclaimed asphalt in road bases of low volume roads

    The article deals with the Austrian experience in reclaiming asphalt concrete in road bases.

    • Date : 2006
    • Pages : 4
    • PIARC Ref. : RR330-036
  • Accompanying measures for rehabilitation of the Antwerp ring road

    Rehabilitation of the Antwerp ring road and description of the cooperation of the private and public sectors in this project.

    • Date : 2006
    • Pages : 8
    • PIARC Ref. : RR329-034
  • For major projects, risk management brings real-world rewards

    Risk management approach used by State transportation authorities so as to reach their objectives on time and within budget.

    • Date : 2006
    • Pages : 8
    • PIARC Ref. : RR329-056