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PIARC (World Road Association), founded in 1909 and comprising 125 member governments from all over the world, is the global forum for exchange of knowledge and experience on roads, road transport policies and practices. With consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the Association is contributing to a stable and sustainable global development of the road and transport sector.

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All PIARC Publications

There are 8 results for your search

  • Proceedings of the XXVth World Road Congress - Seoul - Out of print

    The XXVth World Road Congress was held in Seoul, Republic of Korea, in November 2015, under the theme "Roads and Mobility-Creating New Value from Transport".  This congress was organised in close cooperation between the World Road Association, responsible for the content and development of the programme, [...]

    • Date : 2015
    • PIARC Ref. : CD SEOUL 2015
    • ISBN : 978-2-84060-423-5
  • Proceedings of the XIVth International Winter Road Congress - Andorra - Out of print

    The Congress proceedings contain: information on organizing the Congress and the exhibition, the Congress program: the technical program and the program for accompanying persons; individual papers and the visual aids for the oral presentations; transcription of the opening ceremony, Ministers' [...]

    • Date : 2014
    • PIARC Ref. : CD ANDORRE 2014
    • ISBN : 978-99920-0-773-0
  • Proceedings of the XXIVth World Road Congress - Mexico - Out of print

    The XXIVth World Road Congress "Roads for a better life - Mobility, sustainability and development" was held in Mexico, organized in close cooperation between the World Road Association, responsible for the content and development of the program, the Ministry for Communications and Transport of Mexico [...]

    • Date : 2011
    • PIARC Ref. : DVD MEXICO 2011
    • ISBN : 2-84060-267-9
  • Proceedings of the XIIIth International Winter Road Congress - Québec - Out of print

    Proceedings contain: information on organizing the Congress and the exhibition, the Congress program: the technical program and the program for accompanying persons; individual papers and the visual aids for the oral presentations; transcription of the opening ceremony, Mayor's session, Ministers' [...]

    • Date : 2010
    • PIARC Ref. : CD QUEBEC 2010
  • Proceedings of the XXIIIth World Road Congress - Paris - Out of print

    The final Proceedings of the XXIIIth World Road Congress are available as a dedicated website . Proceedings contain: information on the congress and the exhibition, the written documents produced for the different sessions, visual aids of presentations, PIARC Activity report, general report and [...]

    • Date : 2007
    • PIARC Ref. : CD PARIS 2007
  • Proceedings of the XIIth International Winter Road Congress - Torino - Out of print

    Organized in Torino (Italy) from 27 to 30 March 2006 by the World Road Association and the Italian Organizing Committee, the Congress gathered over 1,000 participants from 50 countries. The theme "Keeping users on the move in winter" attracted 130 contributions from 18 countries. The Proceedings [...]

    • Date : 2006
    • PIARC Ref. : CD TURIN 2006
  • Proceedings of the XXIIth World Road Congress - Durban - Out of print

    From 19 to 25 October 2003, le XXIInd World Road Congress and the associated exhibition organized in Durban by the World Road Association and the South African Organizing Committee gathered together over 3500 persons from 108 countries. The final Proceedings contain : a presentation of the [...]

    • Date : 2003
    • PIARC Ref. : CD DURBAN 2003
  • Proceedings of the XIth International Winter Road Congress - Sapporo - Out of print

    The XIth PIARC International Winter Road Congress held in Sapporo (Japan) from 28 to 31 January 2002, has gathered together over 2600 participants from 61 countries and 232 exhibitors. The theme "New challenges for Winter Road Service" attracted 169 papers from 26 countries. This Website presents [...]

    • Date : 2002
    • PIARC Ref. : CD SAPPORO 2002