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PIARC (World Road Association), founded in 1909 and comprising 125 member governments from all over the world, is the global forum for exchange of knowledge and experience on roads, road transport policies and practices. With consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the Association is contributing to a stable and sustainable global development of the road and transport sector.

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Xth World Road Congress - Istanbul 1955 - National Reports


Section 1. Construction and Maintenance

  • Question 1: Surfacing of Roads and Runways
    A) Concrete Roads and Runways.
    B) Surfacings made with plastic binders.
    C) Questions common to various surfacings:
    1) Non-skid properties: Measuring of these properties and their standardisation; determination of limiting coefficients.
    2) Frost and icing.
    3) Modernisation of mechanical equipment and its use in construction and maintenance.
  • Question 2:
    A) Bearing capacity of the sub-grade and carriageway foundations in relation to soil composition and water content. Improvement and standardisation of tests.
    B) Stabilisation of Soils.
  • Question 3: Low-cost Roads
    A) Lightly trafficked roads in rural areas.
    B) Roads in under-developed areas.

Section 2. Roads in Relation to Traffic, Administration and Allocation of Funds

  • Question 4: The Road in Relation to Traffic
    A) Traffic Circulation. In particular: Censuses, traffic surveys (types and numbers of vehicles, distance and routes travelled); Estimating increases in traffic; Attraction of traffic to new routes.
    B) Road characteristics in relation to traffic. In particular: Layout; Carriageway capacity; Lane capacity; -Distribution on the crriageway; Segregation of streams; Designs of junctions and intersections.
    C) Road equipment (outside built-up areas):
    1) Traffic control devices (use of carriageway markings, signs, control of, and provision for parking, waiting and stopping).
    2) Ancillary services-Installation for use of road users.
    D) Accidents, Road safety. In particular: Accidents statistics and investigation. How, from these studies, conclusions can be drawn as to methods of design? Construction and traffic regulation so as to avoid repetition of accidents and lessen their gravity.
  • Question 5: Allocation of Funds and economic justification of road works
    A) Methods of financing works.
    B) Economic justification of road works.

Section 1 and 2 combined

  • Question 6: Urban Roads and Traffic in Cities
    Car parks and parking; layout and equipment of road intersections; traffic control signals. Waterproofing and drainage of carriageways. Tramway tracks in built-up areas.

Section 1. Construction and Maintenance.

Question 1: Surfacing of Roads and Runways

A) Concrete Roads and Runways.
B) Surfacings made with plastic binders.
C) Questions common to various surfacings:
1) Non-skid properties: Measuring of these properties and their standardisation; determination of limiting coefficients.
2) Frost and icing.
3) Modernisation of mechanical equipment and its use in construction and maintenance.

Question 2

A) Bearing capacity of the sub-grade and carriageway foundations in relation to soil composition and water content. Improvement and standardisation of tests.
B) Stabilisation of Soils.

Question 3: Low-cost Roads.

A) Lightly trafficked roads in rural areas.
B) Roads in under-developed areas.

Section 2. Roads in Relation to Traffic, Administration and Allocation of Funds.

Question 4: The Road in Relation to Traffic.

A) Traffic Circulation. In particular: Censuses, traffic surveys (types and numbers of vehicles, distance and routes travelled); Estimating increases in traffic; Attraction of traffic to new routes.
B) Road characteristics in relation to traffic. In particular: Layout; Carriageway capacity; Lane capacity; -Distribution on the crriageway; Segregation of streams; Designs of junctions and intersections.
C) Road equipment (outside built-up areas):
1) Traffic control devices (use of carriageway markings, signs, control of, and provision for parking, waiting and stopping).
2) Ancillary services-Installation for use of road users.
D) Accidents, Road safety. In particular: Accidents statistics and investigation. How, from these studies, conclusions can be drawn as to methods of design? Construction and traffic regulation so as to avoid repetition of accidents and lessen their gravity.

Question 5: Allocation of Funds and economic justification of road works.

A) Methods of financing works.
B) Economic justification of road works.

Section 1 and 2 combined.

Question 6: Urban Roads and Traffic in Cities.

Car parks and parking; layout and equipment of road intersections; traffic control signals. Waterproofing and drainage of carriageways. Tramway tracks in built-up areas.