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PIARC (World Road Association), founded in 1909 and comprising 125 member governments from all over the world, is the global forum for exchange of knowledge and experience on roads, road transport policies and practices. With consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the Association is contributing to a stable and sustainable global development of the road and transport sector.

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IInd World Road Congress - Brussels 1910 - National Reports


1. Section: Construction and Maintenance

Sub-Division A: Construction and Maintenance outside the large towns

  • Question 1. Metalled and Paved Roads. Use of binding materials in the construction of metalled roads. Use of trackways in the paved roads. Progress made in combating wear and tear and dust
  • Question 2: Foundation and drainage of roads. Methods of carrying out the work
  • Question 3: Laying Light railways and Tramways on Roads. Advantages and disadvantages. Effect on the various methods and the cost of maintenance
  • Question 4: Cleaning and Watering. Necessity or utility - methods in use their cost - comparison of various methods
  • Question 5: Choice of the surfacing materials
  • Question 6: Methods of carrying out road work in connection with lighting and water supply.

2. Section: Use and Traffic

  • Question 7: Influence of weight and speed of vehicles on special structures (bridges, etc.)
  • Question 8: Road Vehicles. Conditions to be fulfilled by horse or mechanically driven vehicles in order that they may neither cause nor suffer any extraordinary damage to or from the road
  • Question 9: Road Conditions for the use of public service. Conveyances other than tramways. Advantages and disadvantages, capacity, cost, etc.

1. Section: Construction and Maintenance.

Sub-Division A: Construction and Maintenance outside the large towns.

Question 1. Metalled and Paved Roads. Use of binding materials in the construction of metalled roads. Use of trackways in the paved roads. Progress made in combating wear and tear and dust.

Question 2: Foundation and drainage of roads. Methods of carrying out the work.

Question 3: Laying Light railways and Tramways on Roads. Advantages and disadvantages. Effect on the various methods and the cost of maintenance.

Question 4: Cleaning and Watering. Necessity or utility - methods in use their cost - comparison of various methods.

Question 5: Choice of the surfacing materials.

Question 6: Methods of carrying out road work in connection with lighting and water supply.

2. Section: Use and Traffic.

Question 7: Influence of weight and speed of vehicles on special structures (bridges, etc.).

Question 8: Road Vehicles. Conditions to be fulfilled by horse or mechanically driven vehicles in order that they may neither cause nor suffer any extraordinary damage to or from the road.

Question 9: Road Conditions for the use of public service. Conveyances other than tramways. Advantages and disadvantages, capacity, cost, etc.