IInd World Road Congress - Brussels 1910 - Proceedings of the Congress
Pages 9 - 113
- Foreword (p. 9)
- General information (p. 21)
- Committee of patronage (p. 22)
- Local organising commission (p. 27)
- Local committees (p. 33)
- Regulations of the Permanent International Commission of Road Congresses (p. 36)
- Regulations for the Laboratory (p. 46)
- Special regulations of the 2nd Congress (p. 47)
- Programme of the works and names of the authors of papers (p. 50)
- Members of the Permanent International Commission (p. 59)
- Members of the Permanent International Council (p. 66)
- Delegates of Governments (p. 69)
- List of the Corporations having joined the Permanent International Association and of their delegates (p. 78)
- List of the delegates of Corporations having temporarily joined the 2nd Congress (p. 101)
- Alphabetical list according to the nationality of the Donor members (p. 110)
- Exhibitors (p. 113)
Pages 118 - 208
- Permanent Members (p. 118)
- Temporary Members (p. 158)
- Administration of the Congress: General Board and Sectional Boards (p. 184)
- Chronological order of the proceedings, excursions and receptions of the Congress (p. 202)
- List of the Publications of the Congress (p. 208)
Pages 222 - 255
- Minutes of the 1st Plenary Meeting (Inaugural meeting). On Monday, August 1 st (p. 223)
- Speech of Mr. Delbeke, Minister of Public Works (p. 223)
- Speech of Mr. Lagasse-de Locht, General Président of the 2nd Congress (p. 226)
- Speech of Mr. Mahieu, General Secretary of the Permanent International Association (p. 234)
- Speeches of the Delegates of Governments (p. 236)
- Minutes of the Sectional Meetings (p. 251)
Pages 252 - 302
- 1st Meeting. Monday 1st August (p. 252)
- 2nd Meeting. Tuesday 2nd August (p. 281)
- 3rd Meeting. Thursday 4th August (p. 295)
- 1st Meeting. Monday 1st August (p. 302)
Pages 341 - 465
- 1st Meeting. Monday 1st August (p. 323)
- 2nd meeting. Tuesday 2nd August (p. 335)
- 3rd meeting. Thursday 4th August (p. 354)
- 4th Meeting. Thursday 4th August (p. 365)
- 1st Meeting. Monday 1st August (p. 379)
- 2nd Meeting. Tuesday 2nd August (p. 386)
- 3rd Meeting. Thursday 4th August (p. 399)
- 4th Meeting. Thursday 4th August (p. 416)
- Minutes of the 2nd Plenary Meeting (Closing Meeting), on Saturday August 6th (p. 454)
- 1st Question. Metalled and paved roads. Resolution (p. 441)
- 2nd Question. Foundation and drainage of roads. Resolutions (p. 437)
- 3ème question. Établissement de chemins de fer d'intérêt local et de tramways sur routes. Conclusions (p. 444)
- 4th Question. Cleaning and watering. Resolutions (p. 439)
- 5th Question. Choice of the surfacing materials. Resolutions (p. 439)
- 6th Question. Methods of carrying out the work in connection with lighting and water supply. Resolutions (p. 440)
- 7th Question. Influence of weight and speed of vehicles on bridges. Resolutions (p. 441)
- 8th Question. Road vehicles. Resolutions (p. 442)
- 9th Question. Conditions for the use of public service conveyances other than tramways. Resolutions (p. 444)
- Speeches of the Delegates of Governments (p. 444)
- Speech of M. Lagasse-de Locht, (general president of the Congress.) (p. 457)
Pages 467 - 569
- Report on the Receptions and Excursions (p. 459)
- Fête offered by the Touring-Club of Belgium, on Sunday, July 31st (p. 461)
- Reception of The Board of the Congress by H. M. King Albert, on Monday August 1st (p. 464)
- Reception of The Board of the Congress by H. M. King Albert, on Monday August 1st (p. 465)
- Excursion to the porphyry quarries of Quenast, on Tuesday, August 2nd (p. 467)
- Excursion to the porphyry quarries of Lessines, on Tuesday, August 2nd (p. 472)
- Excursion to Antwerp and reception by the Minister of Public Works and the Municipality of Antwerp on Wednesday, August 3rd (p. 476)
- Excursion to the North Sea, on Friday, August 5th (p. 480)
- Excursion to Tervueren, on Saturday, August 6th (p. 482)
- Banquet of the Congress at Brussels, on Saturday, August 6th (p. 483)
- Rout offered by the College of Mayor and Sheriffs of the City of Brussels, on Sunday, August 7th (p. 494)
- Excursion to the sandstone quarries of Montfort at Poulseur (p. 494)
- And to Liége, on Monday August 8th (p. 505)
- Excursion to the Waterfall of Coo, to Spa and to the Dam of the Gileppe, on Tuesday, August 9th (p. 509)
- Excursion to the grottoes of Iian and to the city of Namur, on Wednesday, August 10th (p. 516)
- Closing banquet (at Namur) (p. 520)
- Exhibition and historical representation of the Road (p. 530)
Pages 544 - 560
- Special regulations for the Exhibition (p. 544)
- Alphabetical index (p. 549)
- List of the photographs and plates (p. 557)
- Index (p. 560)