IIIrd World Road Congress - London 1913 - Proceedings of the Congress
The summary report with links to the corresponding document.
Pages 5 - 64.
- Foreword (p. 5)
- General information (p. 19)
- Committee of patronage (p. 20)
- Local organising Commission (p. 21)
- Local Committees (p. 27)
- Regulations of the Permanent International Association of Road Congresses (p. 31)
- Special by-laws of the IIIrd Congress (p. 42)
- Program of the works and names of the authors (p. 45)
- Various pamphlets distributed to the Members of the Congress (p. 64)
Pages 67 - 143.
- Members of the Permanent International Commission (p. 67)
- Members of the Permanent International Council (p. 75)
- Delegates of Governments (p. 79)
- List of the Corporations having joined the Permanent International Association and of their delegates (p. 91)
- List of Donors with the names of their delegates (p. 116)
- List of Exhibitors (p. 140)
- Special Exhibits (p. 143)
Pages 144 - 247.
- List of the Permanent Members (p. 144)
- List of the Temporary Members (p. 204)
Pages 248 - 274.
- Administration of the Congress; General Board and Sectional Boards (p. 248)
- Chronological order of the proceedings, receptions and excursions of the Congress (p. 267)
Pages 275 - 365.
- Minutes of the Plenary Meeting (Inaugural! Meeting)
- Monday, June 23rd 1913 (p. 275)
- Speech of the Rt. Hon. D. Lloyd George, Chancellor of the Exchequer (p. 275)
- Speech of Sir George S. Gibb, General President of the Congress (p. 279)
- Speech of Mr. de Préaudeau, President of the Permanent International Association (p. 283)
- Speeches of the Delegates of Governments (p. 288)
- Minutes of the sectional Meetings (p. 305)
- 1st Section. Construction and Maintenance. Sub-Sections A and B combined.
- 1st meeting. Tuesday, June 24th. 1st Question (p. 307)
- 2nd meeting. Tuesday, June 24th. 2nd Question (p. 339)
Pages 366 - 475.
- Sub-section A. Construction and Maintenance of Roads outside of towns
- 3rd meeting. Wednesday, June 25th, 3rd Question (p. 366)
- 4th meeting. Wednesday, June 25th, 3rd Question (continued) (p. 393)
- Sub-Section B. Construction and maintenance of roads in towns
- 5th meeting. Wednesday, June 25th, 4th Question (p. 410)
- 2nd Section. Traffic and Administration. Sub-sections C and D combined
- 6th meeting. Tuesday, June 24th, 5th Question (p. 428)
- 7th meeting. Tuesday, June 24th, 6th Question (p. 459)
Pages 476 - 558.
- 8th meeting. Wednesday, June 25th, 7th Question (p. 476)
- Sub-Section D. Administration, Finance and Statistics
- 9th meeting. Tuesday, June 24th, 8th Question (p. 502)
- 10th meeting. Wednesday, June 25th, 9th Question (p. 531)
- Communications
- Sub-section A (Communications n° 1, 2, 3 and 4) (p. 546)
- 11th meeting. Wednesday, June 25th, Sub-section B (Communications n° 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10) (p. 547)
Pages 559 - 627.
- Minutes of the 2nd Plenary Meeting (Final meeting) on Friday, June 27th (p. 559)
- 1st Question. Planning of new streets and roads (p. 559)
- 2nd Question. Types of surfacing to be adopted on Bridges, Viaducts, etc (p. 561)
- 3rd Question. Construction of Macadamised Roads bound with tarry, bituminous, or asphaltic Materials (p. 564)
- 4th Question. The Wood Paving (p. 565)
- 5th Question. Methods of Lighting Public's highways and vehicles (p. 566)
- 6th Question. Observations noticed since 1908 as to various causes of wear and of deterioration of Roadways (p. 568)
- 7th Question. Regulations for fast and slow traffic on roads (p. 570)
- 8th Question. Authorities in charge of the Construction and Maintenance of Roads. - Functions of Central Authorities and local Authorities (p. 570)
- 9th Question. Finance of the Construction and Upkeep of Roads - Provision of Revenues (p. 573)
- Speech of Sir George S. Gibb, General President of the IIIrd Congress
- Speeches of the Delegates of Governments (p. 574)
- Resolutions adopted (p. 584)
- Meeting of the Permanent International Council, Monday, June 23rd (p. 611)
- 1st meeting of the Permanent International Council, Friday, June 27th (p. 614)
Pages 628 to the end.
- Receptions and excursions Excursion in the County of Kent (June 20th and 21st) (p. 628)
- Visit to sewage ontfall works and Barking and Electric Power station, Greenwich (Tuesday June 24th) (p. 657)
- Visit to Headquarters of the London Fire Brigade (Wednesday, June 25th) (p. 659)
- Road Inspection in the County of Essex (Thursday, June 2nd) (p. 630)
- Visit to the Royal Castle at Windsor (Thursday, June 26th) (p. 631)
- Excursion on the Thames (Thursday, June 26th) (p. 632)
- Road Inspection in the County of Berkshire (Thursday, June 26th) (p. 634)
- Visit to Refuse Crusher Plant, Southwark (Friday, June 27th) (p. 657)
- Road Inspection in the Metropolitan Borough of Fulham (Saturday, June 28th) (p. 636)
- Visit to the National Physical Laboratory and to Hampton-Court Palace (Saturday, June 28th) (p. 636)
- Visit to the Garden-City of Letchworth (Saturday, June 28th) (p. 637)
- Road inspection in the County of Surrey (Brighton) (Saturday, June 28th) (p. 638)
- Visit to King George V Réservoir at Ilchingford (Saturday, June 28th) (p. 656)
- Visite de routes dans les Comtés de Surrey et de Sussex, 28-30 juin (p. 704)
- Excursion in the Midlands (30 June-3 July) (p. 650)
- Inspection of Roads in the Counties of Surrey and Sussex (28-30 June) (p. 655)
- Excursion to Chester and North Wales (30 June-4 July) (p. 640)
- Excursion to Liverpool, Southport and the Cumberland Lakes (30 June-5 July) (p. 644)
- The Exhibition (p. 660)
- Excursion in Scotland (30 June-5 July) (p. 647)
- Special Exhibits (p. 662)
- Road Sections (p. 662)
- Directions Post and Plates (p. 662)
- Alphabetical Index (p. 664)
- List of the Photographs and Plates (p. 673)
- Index (p. 675)