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PIARC (World Road Association), founded in 1909 and comprising 125 member governments from all over the world, is the global forum for exchange of knowledge and experience on roads, road transport policies and practices. With consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the Association is contributing to a stable and sustainable global development of the road and transport sector.

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XVth World Road Congress - Mexico 1975 - National Reports


Question 1: Planning and construction of highway
A. Study of projects

  1. Use of computers for the different phases of a road project.
  2. Optimisation of projects.

B. Earthworks

  1. Geological, hydrogeological and geotechnical studies.
  2. Studies of earthwork projects:
  3. Carrying out earthworks:
  4. Construction of the upper part of the earthworks, subgrades.
  5. Protection against the action of water.

C. Road data banks

  1. Objective.
  2. General concept.
  3. Partial records.
  4. Cost.

D. Development in methods of road tunnel construction

  1. Modern methods of tunnel construction:
  2. Determination of criteria for rock rippability and boring characteristics.

Question 2: Flexible Pavements
1. Design of flexible pavements and effects of frost.
2. Constituents.
3. Sub-base and roadbase courses (excluding bituminous coated materials).
4. Bituminous coated materials.
5. Maintenance.
6. Problems related to waterproofing and surfacings on structures.

Question 3: Rigid Pavements
1. Drawing up of projects - design.
2. Construction.
3. Maintenance.
4. Problems relating to pavements and runways of aerodromes.

Question 4:
A) Roads and motorways in relation to traffic requirements.

  1. Relationship between level of service and geometric characteristics.
  2. Surface qualities of carriageways.

B) Roads and motorways in rural areas: equipment, operation.

  1. Road equipment.
  2. Operation of the road.

Question 5: Urban Roads
1. Different types of routes in urban areas - parking.
2. Operation.
3. Equipment.
4. Carrying out roadworks in urban areas.
5. Roads - structure and maintenance.

Question 6: The road within the environment
1. Road projects and their integration into surrounding areas.
2. Pollution factors and their effects on the planning, design, construction and operation of road networks.

Question 7: Economic Questions
1. General theory.
2. Financing.
3. Specific problems in rural areas
4. Urban problems
5. Objective criteria for road maintenance.
6. Economic study of the private sector.

Question 8: Low cost roads, Lightly trafficked roads
1. Collection, storage and retrieval at the master plan level of data on soils and road making materials.
2. Non-traditional soils and materials.
3. Construction methods
4. Strengthening of roads
5. Maintenance (earth roads and surfaced roads)
6. The contribution of roads to economic and social development in countries in course of development.
7. Special problems of low cost roads in industrialised countries or regions.

Question I: Planning and construction of highway.

A. Study of projects

  1. Use of computers for the different phases of a road project.
  2. Optimisation of projects.

B. Earthworks

  1. Geological, hydrogeological and geotechnical studies.
  2. Studies of earthwork projects:
  3. Carrying out earthworks:
  4. Construction of the upper part of the earthworks, subgrades.
  5. Protection against the action of water.

C. Road data banks

  1. Objective.
  2. General concept.
  3. Partial records.
  4. Cost.

D. Development in methods of road tunnel construction

  1. Modern methods of tunnel construction:
  2. Determination of criteria for rock rippability and boring characteristics.

Question II: Flexible Pavements.

1. Design of flexible pavements and effects of frost.
2. Constituents.
3. Sub-base and roadbase courses (excluding bituminous coated materials).
4. Bituminous coated materials.
5. Maintenance.
6. Problems related to waterproofing and surfacings on structures.

Question III: Rigid Pavements.

1. Drawing up of projects - design.
2. Construction.
3. Maintenance.
4. Problems relating to pavements and runways of aerodromes.

Question IV:

A) Roads and motorways in relation to traffic requirements.

  1. Relationship between level of service and geometric characteristics.
  2. Surface qualities of carriageways.

B) Roads and motorways in rural areas: equipment, operation.

  1. Road equipment.
  2. Operation of the road.

Question V: Urban Roads.

1. Different types of routes in urban areas - parking.
2. Operation.
3. Equipment.
4. Carrying out roadworks in urban areas.
5. Roads - structure and maintenance.

Question VI: The road within the environment.

1. Road projects and their integration into surrounding areas.
2. Pollution factors and their effects on the planning, design, construction and operation of road networks.

Question VII: Economic Questions.

1. General theory.
2. Financing.
3. Specific problems in rural areas
4. Urban problems
5. Objective criteria for road maintenance.
6. Economic study of the private sector.

Question VIII: Low cost roads, Lightly trafficked roads.

1. Collection, storage and retrieval at the master plan level of data on soils and road making materials.
2. Non-traditional soils and materials.
3. Construction methods
4. Strengthening of roads
5. Maintenance (earth roads and surfaced roads)
6. The contribution of roads to economic and social development in countries in course of development.
7. Special problems of low cost roads in industrialised countries or regions.