XVIIth World Road Congress - Sydney 1983 - National Reports
Question 1: Earthworks - Drainage - Subgrade
Question 2: Construction and Maintenance Of Pavements
Question 3: Inter-urban Roads and Motorways
Question 4: Roads in Urban Areas
Question 5: Roads In Developing Areas
Question I: Earthworks - Drainage - Subgrade.
- A. Earthworks
1. Site investigation.
2. Foundations of embankments on compressible soils.
3. Embankments.
4. Slopes.
5. Carrying out earthworks. - B. Drainage
1. Materials used in the intemal drainage of earthworks.
2. Efficiency of drainage systems, particularly with respect to maintaining bearing capacity.
3. Stabilisation of road slopes by means of internal drainage.
4. Drainage of large cutting slopes with alternate perméable and nonpermeable strata. - C. Subgrade
1. Practical assessment of the bearing capacity of the subgrade after completion and immediately before pavement construction.
2. Protection of the subgrade against weather conditions and site traffic.
3. Methods for the restoration of the subgrade condition when its protection is not sufficient.
4. Progress in the use of industrial waste products in subgrades.
5. Use of the subgrade for protecting embankments from frost damage. - D. Inspection and maintenance of earthworks
1. Methods for the inspection of earthworks - preliminary instrumentation in special areas.
2. Methods for repairing damage.
3. Maintenance of drainage systems.
Pages 0-94 (15269 Ko)
- Australia (p. 1)
- Great-Britain (p. 33)
- Mexico (p. 65)
- Netherlands (p. 81)
Pages 95-220 (21095 Ko)
- Federal Republic of Germany (p. 95)
- Norway (p. 115)
- India (p. 129)
- Czechoslovaquia (p. 135)
- Portugal (p. 151)
- France (p. 165)
- Bulgaria (p. 195)
- Japan (p. 203)
Pages 221-336 (18478 Ko)
- Sweden (p. 221)
- Yugoslavia (p. 241)
- Belgium (p. 261)
- German Democratic Republic (p. 281)
- Ivory Coast (p. 295)
- Spain (p. 317)
Pages 337-451 (18313 Ko)
- Hungary (p. 337)
- Finland (p. 357)
- Switzerland (p. 379)
- Romania (p. 389)
- Austria (p. 409)
- USSR (p. 429)
Question II. Construction and Maintenance Of Pavements.
Pages 0-102 (17175 Ko)
- Australia (p. 1)
- Great-Britain (p. 27)
- New Zealand (p. 51)
- Poland (p. 71)
- Japan (p. 89)
Pages 103-204 (18807 Ko)
- India (p. 103)
- France (p. 129)
- Finland (p. 155)
- Denmark (p. 179)
Pages 204-298 (16146 Ko)
- Czechoslovaquia (p. 205)
- Spain (p. 227)
- Switzerland (p. 249)
- Yugoslavia (p. 273)
Pages 299-408 (19661 Ko)
- Netherlands (p. 299)
- Belgium (p. 325)
- Bulgaria (p. 349)
- Austria (p. 361)
- Hungary (p. 381)
Pages 409-518 (18989 Ko)
- Federal Republic of Germany (p. 409)
- Morocco (p. 437)
- Norway (p. 451)
- Portugal (p. 479)
- Romania (p. 499)
Pages 519-635 (17598 Ko)
- Sweden (p. 519)
- Italy (p. 545)
- Mexico (p. 563)
- German Democratic Republic (p. 587)
- U.S.S.R. (p. 611)
Question III: Inter-urban Roads and Motorways.
Pages 0-91 (14626 Ko)
- Australia (p. 1)
- Great-Britain (p. 19)
- New Zealand (p. 41)
- Japan (p. 77)
Pages 92-194 (19575 Ko)
- Italy (p. 97)
- India (p. 117)
- Hungary (p. 137)
- Finland (p. 157)
- Czechoslovaquia (p. 175)
Pages 195-302 (18840 Ko)
- Austria (p. 195)
- Belgium (p. 215)
- Bulgaria (p. 237)
- Denmark (p. 253)
- German Democratic Republic (p. 269)
- Yugoslavia (p. 283)
Pages 303-398 (16823 Ko)
- Sweden (p. 303)
- Switzerland (p. 323)
- Netherlands (p. 345)
- Poland (p. 361)
- Federal Republic of Germany (p. 379)
Pages 399-532 (21453 Ko)
- France (p. 399)
- Norway (p. 419)
- Israel (p. 433)
- Romania (p. 451)
- Portugal (p. 467)
- U.S.S.R. (p. 499)
Question IV: Roads in Urban Areas.
Pages 0-110 (19721 Ko)
- Great-Britain (p. 1)
- Australia (p. 22)
- Austria (p. 53)
- Belgium (p. 59)
- Czechoslovaquia (p. 81)
- Finland (p. 99)
Pages 111-206 (16951 Ko)
- Denmark (p. 111)
- France (p. 129)
- Federal Republic of Germany (p. 149)
- Sweden (p. 167)
- Switzerland (p. 185)
Pages 207-296 (15100 Ko)
- Spain (p. 207)
- Netherlands (p. 223)
- Japan (p. 241)
- India (p. 277)
Pages 297-377 (13780 Ko)
- Hungary (p. 297)
- Norway (p. 313)
- Poland (p. 335)
- U.S.S.R. (p. 345)
- German Democratic Republic (p. 361)
Question V: Roads In Developing Areas.
Pages 0-118 (18261 Ko)
- New Zealand (p. 1)
- REAAA (p. 11)
- Australia (p. 35)
- Denmark (p. 55)
- Belgium (p. 81)
- Czechoslovaquia (p. 99)
Pages 119-228 (18272 Ko)
- India (p. 119)
- Romania (p. 137)
- Mexico (p. 155)
- Japan (p. 175)
- Italy (p. 191)
- Federal Republic of Germany (p. 211)
Pages 228-298 (11216 Ko)
- Great-Britain (p. 229)
- Spain (p. 249)
- Ivory Coast (p. 269)
- Finland (p. 287)
Pages 299-369 (16775 Ko)
- Norway (p. 299)
- Poland (p. 315)
- Poland (p. 331)
- France (p. 345)
- U.S.S.R. (p. 365)