Dealing with the effects of climate change on road pavements

Climate change can have a direct impact on the performance of our transportation infrastructure. The purpose of the report is to sensitize the road sector to the likely impacts of climate change on road pavements and to provide guidance on how to go about:
-Assessing the vulnerability of road pavements to the direct impacts of climate change, and;
-Identifying and prioritizing possible adaptation measures for road pavements that could be applied immediately or phased in over time, so as to avert the negative consequences of climate change on the serviceability of road networks.
The report presents the concerns expressed by the road managers from twenty-one countries and suggests a systematic approach for conducting risk and vulnerability assessments.
The report then deals with adaptation measures in order to manage the climate change impacts (changes in temperature, in precipitations and other changes) on the operation and performance of road pavements.
It reviews the strategic implications before presenting recommendations in particular regarding risks assessments.
Information sheet
- Date: 2012
- Author(s): Comité technique D.2 Chaussées routières / Technical Committee D.2 Road Pavements
- Domain(s): Environment / Project Management / Road Network Operations / Road Assets Management / Road Pavements
- Type: Technical report 2012R06EN
- PIARC Ref.: 2012R06EN
- ISBN: 2-84060-247-4
- Number of pages: 146