Road safety inspection guidelines for safety checks of existing roads

A Road Safety Inspection (RSI) is a systematic, on site review, conducted by road safety expert(s), of an existing road or section of road to identify hazardous conditions, faults and deficiencies that may lead to serious accidents.
After defining what is a road safety inspection, the report details what should be inspected, depending on the type of road and when should inspections be carried out. It provides a description of the inspection process: preparatory work in the office, field study, check lists, content of the inspection report and the remedial measures and follow up to be considered.
The report addresses also the matter of who should carry out an inspection.
The report is complemented by appendices which contain:
- check lists for different types of raods (motorways, interurban roads, urban main roads);
- a proposed investigation form;
- examples of road safety inspection reports.
Information sheet
- Date: 2012
- Author(s): Comité technique 3.1 Sécurité routière / Technical Committee 3.1 Road Safety
- Domain(s): Road Safety
- Type: 2012R27EN - Technical report
- PIARC Ref.: 2012R27EN
- ISBN: 978-2-84060-259-8
- Number of pages: 83