Risk evaluation, current practice for risk evaluation for road tunnels

This report is intended to provide discussion on the various established strategies for the evaluation of the results of a risk analysis for the risk assessment of road tunnels.
After a presentation of background information on risk evaluation, the principles of the different approaches, both qualitative and quantitative, are explained and discussed. Evaluation of quantitative approaches for societal risk forms the main focus of this report which considers evaluations against absolute or relative criteria.
Current practice of risk analysis for road tunnels and practical methods specifically applicable for the transport of dangerous goods are presented for a number of different countries.
Finally, the report considers the legal implications of risk analysis.
Information sheet
- Date: 2013
- Author(s): Comité technique AIPCR C.4 Exploitation des tunnels routiers / PIARC Technical Committee C.4 Road Tunnel Operation
- Domain(s): Road Tunnel Operations
- Type: 2012R23EN - Technical report
- PIARC Ref.: 2012R23EN
- ISBN: 978-2-84060-290-3
- Number of pages: 91