Crisis management of unusually severe and/or sustained snow events

Extreme winter weather between 2008 and 2015 tested highway winter maintenance arrangements in many parts of the world. Unusually cold weather and significant snow events resulted in significant transport disruption and international media attention. From these challenges arose an opportunity to learn more about, and improve, the service provided to the road user. This report documents the good practice and can be used to aid the further development of winter maintenance resilience.
The twenty-two case studies identified in this report illustrate the measures that could be implemented by a road authority. There are specific practices that could be adopted and also more conceptual ideas that would require further development.
Using the evidence within this report it is suggested that road operators should consider their arrangements in the context of the eight key points below:
- understand the risk;
- be prepared for'beyond design' risks;
- liaise with others;
- establish a command process;
- communicate effectively;
- embrace new technology;
- continually improve the operation;
- gain access to specialist knowledge.
Information sheet
- Date: 2016
- Author(s): Comité technique 2.4 - Viabilité hivernale Technical Committee 2.4 - Winter Service
- Domain(s): Winter Service
- Type: 2016R14EN -Technical Report
- PIARC Ref.: 2016R14EN
- ISBN: 978-2-84060-397-9
- Number of pages: 36