General report of the XXVth World Road Congress Seoul (Korea), November 2015 Strategic Theme 2 - Access and Mobility
Strategic Theme 2 recognizes that road authorities provide a service to the community and industry, thus recognizing these groups as customers. At the heart of this issue is the need to provide services in a reliable manner and ensure that network resilience has been set at an appropriate level.
Five Technical Committees contributed to Strategic Theme 2 Access and Mobility, namely: TC 2.1 Road Network Operations, TC 2.2 Improved Mobility in Urban Areas, TC 2.3 Freight Transport, TC 2.4 Winter Service, and TC 2.5 Rural Road Systems and Accessibility to Rural Areas.
Information sheet
- Date: 2016
- Domain(s): General
- Type: RR371 - Featrures
- PIARC Ref.: RR371-040
- Number of pages: 18
This article has been published in the Routes/Roads magazine