Guide to good practice performance frameworks

Good performance information is an essential part of good management in any organisation. It assists in ensuring accountability, transparency and aids decision making across the board on a range of activities undertaken by road and transport administrations.
Organisations have been collecting information about their own performance and their impacts on society for many years. In recent times the call for this information has become even more important as we seek to improve our own performance and demonstrate the creation of public value deriving from road and transport administrations.
Regular reporting of good performance information makes for strong public sector accountability and informs the public about the effectiveness of road and transport. It should also help make decisions and track performance, in turn improving public value creation by.
Through reviewing and capturing what is accepted as being contemporary good practice based on literature reviews, analysing the findings from an international seminar held in Tanzania and looking for common elements drawn from practical real life case studies, this report offers successful frameworks for capturing and improving organisational performance of a road administration.
To assist practitioners a toolkit has been developed to assist organisations identify gaps and opportunities within their own performance measurement framework. The toolkit is designed to make it possible for any organisation to develop and implement individual packages of actions that will work towards improving their overall performance reporting framework.
The report concludes with some views around what the future for performance frameworks for road and transport administrations might be focussing on moving away from reporting what has occurred to enabling groups of transport users, stakeholders, customers and others to determine the potential future impacts on these same measures based around a range of future based scenarios.
Information sheet
- Date: 2016
- Author(s): Comité technique 1.1 - Performance des Administrations routières Technical Committee 1.1 - Performance of Road Administrations
- Domain(s): Governance of Road Authorities
- Type: 2016R22EN - Technical Report
- PIARC Ref.: 2016R22EN
- ISBN: 978-2-84060-412-9
- Number of pages: 33