Disaster Information Management for Road Administrators - Technical Report

Countries that experience disasters acquire unique disaster management knowledge and develop tailored countermeasure technologies based on their experiences. As societies diversify, damage caused by disasters changes as society changes. Therefore, the type of technology necessary to manage disasters in each country needs to continually adapt as populations grow and society changes. Most disaster management technologies have been developed to respond to the emergency management phase. Previous disaster management technology has been mainly developed in the area of hard management, such as safe infrastructure. More countries are currently considering the management of disasters with a series of continuously applied management techniques through the pre-event, emergency, and post-event phases. This has identified the benefits of combining hard and soft management techniques to improve overall disaster management outcomes.
Disaster-prone countries have developed their unique management technologies based on their disaster experiences. In order to share these technologies, knowledge exchange forums have been developed. Current trends in disaster management include an emerging realisation that paying more attention to the disaster management activities and their interaction with the public and society produces better results. This compares to the traditional disaster management approach of prioritising making infrastructure safe.
This report presents disaster information management and disaster management with the public as current important technologies to manage disasters with adapting to the society changes. The report highlights some case studies and best practices for improving management techniques in disaster situations. Therefore, this information would be very beneficial not only to the countries with the disaster risk, but also to the countries, especially to the LMICs, for improving the structures in management of disastrous situation.
This report also highlights the fact that these identified management technologies has limitations for applying to the countries because risk-awareness is a key influence on the ability of a country to prepare for managing disasters. Therefore, careful investigation of the risk awareness of the society is needed for their transferability and applicability in advance.
Information sheet
- Date: 2019
- Author(s): Comité technique / Technical Committee / Comité Técnico E.3 Gestion des catastrophes / Disaster Management - Gestión de desastres
- Domain(s): Risk Management
- Type: Technical Report
- PIARC Ref.: 2019R09EN
- ISBN: 978-2-84060-516-4
- Number of pages: 85