Planning & Budgeting on Road Network Level - Presentation of Budgets for Decision-Makers

The maintenance of road networks is becoming increasingly important. For this reason we must seek to employ new management systems. Construction and maintenance of public roads are paid by taxpayers. Fundamentally the taxpayer (the road user) has financial responsibility for the system - their interests need to be taken into consideration. The public wants decision-making to be transparent and has the possibility to control the system. The issue as a whole can be seen in the fact that all steps of planning and decision-making must be based on available technology and industrial management and with an awareness of political economics.
This report deals with public (not private) roads. It refers to the road network (not project) level.
Appendices to this report are in the PIARC website
Information sheet
- Date: 2000
- Author(s): Comité technique 6 Gestion des Routes / Technical Committee 6 Road Management
- Domain(s): Financing of Road System / Road Assets Management
- Type: Bilingual English - French
- PIARC Ref.: 06.05.BEN
- ISBN: 2-84060-113-3
- Number of pages: 42