Control and Enforcement Measures to Reduce Truck Overloading and Associated Infrastructure Damage on Road Networks - Collection of Case Studies

Overloaded trucks, poor vehicle conditions, driver fatigue and speeding remain big challenges in road freight transport for road authorities all over the world. These issues can cause severe road safety problems, substantial damage to the road infrastructure and environmental impacts. Overloading also leads to unfair competition between transport modes and transport companies.
Within the Technical Committee 2.3 Freight working group 2.3.1 had a specific focus on monitoring and regulations to reduce truck overloading and associated infrastructure damage (pavement or bridges wear and tear …). Though not new, this topic continues to be of the utmost importance for road managers and public authorities, in both High and Low-Middle-Income Countries and is still evolving through innovations.
This collection of case studies was gathered among the working group members following a wide ranging literature review. It intents to highlight some actions or projects that have been implemented in order to reduce road freight transport overloading. These can deal with enforcement – and noticeably the rising use of Weigh in Motion devices (WIM) – or with regulations or accreditations as Intelligent Access programs.
These good practices contribute to reduce truck overloading and associated infrastructure damage, to increase road safety and to reduce environmental burdens of truck traffic. Most of the presented approaches can be implemented also in other countries taking into account the local requirements and framework conditions.
The sharing of information provides valuable insight to the impacts, benefits, success factors and the transferability of these examples to other places and contexts.
Information sheet
- Date: 2022
- Author(s): Comité technique / Technical Committee / Comité Técnico 2020-2023 2.3 Transport de marchandises / Freight / Transporte de Mercancias
- Domain(s): Freight Transport
- Type: Collection of Case Studies
- PIARC Ref.: 2022R14EN
- ISBN: 978-2-84060-689-5
- Number of pages: 35