Recycling of Existing Flexible Pavements
The use of non-renewable resources, and the disposal of materials as waste, recycling of materials is an increasingly important consideration in meeting the overall objective of sustainable development.
This objective, together with economic considerations, contribute to a political climate where the intention is to achieve a closed-cycle by recycling and reusing materials from existing pavements.
The optimum situation is when the recycling can be justified economically. Until this is achieved, decision makers have to ensure that appropriate legislation is in place to encourage recycling of existing pavement structures.
The report suggests some initiatives that could be taken by road authorities and by industry in order to increase the amount of recycling and it will assist in putting procedures and technologies in place that will lead to sustainable development.
Information sheet
- Date: 2002
- Author(s): Comité technique 8 Routes souples / Technical Committee 8 Flexible Roads
- Domain(s): Road Pavements
- Type: Bilingual English - French, published in 2002
- PIARC Ref.: 08.07.BEN
- ISBN: 2-84060-139-7
- Number of pages: 67