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PIARC (World Road Association), founded in 1909 and comprising 125 member governments from all over the world, is the global forum for exchange of knowledge and experience on roads, road transport policies and practices. With consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the Association is contributing to a stable and sustainable global development of the road and transport sector.

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Monitoring and Managing Paved and Unpaved Roads

Bamako (Mali)
21-24 February 2006

This International Seminar was organized by the PIARC Technical Committee C4.2, Road / Vehicle Interaction, and the PIARC National Committee of Mali.

More than 100 participants from 20 countries attended this seminar.






Jean-François Corté, PIARC Secretary General

Présentation de l'AIPCR

486 Ko

Bjarne Schmidt, C4.2 Chair

Présentation du Comité technique 4.2

554 Ko

Gaboune Keita, Directeur national des routes de Mali

Présentation du réseau routier du Mali

37 Ko


Kalsibiri Kabore (Burkina Faso)

Évaluation de la portance des structures de chaussées

93 Ko

Mathieu Grondin (Canada-Québec)

Utilisation particulière d'équipements de type réponse pour la mesure de l'uni au Québec

826 Ko

Cheik Oumar Diallo (Mali)

La méthode IDR du Mali

37 Ko


Yves Provencher (Canada-Québec)

Système de mesure de rugosité automatisé économique pour les routes à faible volume: défis et solutions

698 Ko

Mahamadou Ouedraogo (Burkina Faso)

Dégradations de surface des routes non revêtues

857 Ko

Brian Ferne (United Kingdom)

Maintenance for unpaved roads carrying very low levels of traffic - Developing a spot improvement manual for basic accessibility

907 Ko

Guy Descornet, C4.2 Secretary

Introduction à l'atelier

19 Ko

Second announcement