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PIARC (World Road Association), founded in 1909 and comprising 125 member governments from all over the world, is the global forum for exchange of knowledge and experience on roads, road transport policies and practices. With consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the Association is contributing to a stable and sustainable global development of the road and transport sector.

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Share your knowledge on Electric Road Systems and help PIARC's Task Force 2.2 through this short survey

3 June 2021

The following questionnaire is organised by PIARC and collects data for the research of PIARC Task Force 2.2 “Electric Road Systems” It is available in English, French and Spanish, and should be completed by 16 July 2021.

Share your knowledge on Electric road Systems and help PIARC's Task Force 2.2 through this short survey

Electrically powered vehicles are increasingly seen as a solution to reduce transport carbon emissions. One potential method of charging electric vehicles is through Electric Road Systems (ERS) – dynamic on-road charging. This survey aims to capture information and views of key stakeholders regarding the development and implementation of ERS. The survey is part of a PIARC project being carried out which aims to build and share a common picture of ERS development and potential implementation. Are you an expert on the subject and are you willing to help? 

The survey is also available in French and in Spanish.

The deadline is 16 July 2021. Individual answers will not be published without permission. If you have any questions about the survey or project, please contact Ruan van Breda at vbredar@sanral.co.za

PIARC Task Forces

Technical Committees have a 4-year work cycle to explore their subjects in detail. Task Forces, however, focus on emerging topics and have shorter delivery times and smaller mandates. This is because their topics are urgent, and PIARC member countries need a quicker answer. The different Technical Committees started their work cycle in January 2020, while the two new Task Forces, with their shorter work cycle of only 2 years, kicked off in November 2020.

Ongoing surveys

PIARC's Technical Committees and Task Forces often organise surveys to collect data for their work. In addition to the one described below, there are 2 more surveys to which you can contribute:

Further information: