17th World Winter Service and Road Resilience Congress: Don't miss out: mark your calendar!
Published on 30 July 2024
The purpose of the 4-day Congress is to bring together researchers, practitioners and academia who are interested in exploring winter services and resilience of road infrastructure.
The World Winter Service and Road Resilience Congress is a world-class event that builds on the work completed by the committees, made up of experts from PIARC’s member countries, in the last cycle; sharing experiences and international best practices culminating in presentations made by road experts, academia and practitioners from around the world including PIARC’s partners. Held every four years since 1969, the Chambéry Congress will be the 17th edition. Winter issues related to road infrastructure and resilience in all seasons and climate thereof will be the major themes of this international meeting. We all have to contend with challenges due to the impact of climatic changes which concerns every country in the world, as well as the mitigation of climate change through the decarbonization of road infrastructure and road transport. PIARC's international experts have already done a great deal of work on these issues, so the Congress will be a forum for building new relationships, reconnecting with old and disseminating knowledge and sharing best practice and much more.

On behalf of PIARC, I would like to sincerely thank the French government and the city of Chambéry for their commitment in organizing this Congress, which will undoubtedly be a success, just like the 2007 World Road Congress held in Paris, France.
I invite road experts, academia and students, managers and administrators from all over the world, from both the public and private sectors, to join us for this World Congress. I invite you to diarize the event in your agenda and look forward to seeing you in Chambéry in March 2026!
Should you require more information, please visit PIARC's website or the Congress organizers. We look forward to seeing you in 2026!
Nazir Alli
President of PIARC