Revista ROUTES/ROADS - Todos los números disponibles
La revista de PIARC
Su revista trimestral sobre carreteras y transporte por carretera
Descubra la revistaN° 352-353 — XXIV Congreso Mundial de Carreteras
1er Trimestre de 2012 / Enero
Contents of Routes/Roads magazine N° 352-353
by Anne-Marie Leclerc
What's new?
- Calendar
- What's new ? PIARC Excom and Council in Mexico - Nominations - Obituaries - CEDR - New PIARC productions
- Update : Mexico 2011 and the road ahead - Signature of the MoU between PIARC and DIRCAIBEA
Forum for PIARC national committees
Spotlight on young professionals
Woo-Seok Kang (Korea)
- Introduction to the XXIVth World road Congress - Jean-François corté
- General report and pictures of the Congress - Hector BONILLA
- Introducing PIARC Prizes 2011 - Claire murdoch
- "Safety of road users and road workers" Prize, Prof. Anil K. SHARMA, M. Aditya P. BAHADUR, Mrs. Yashi TANDON
- "Sustainable Development" Prize, Lambros K. MITRO POU LOS, Panos D. PREVEDOUROS, Eftihia NATHANAIL
- "Road design and road construction" Prize, Martin Lamb, Stefan DEIX, Beata KRIEGER, Nicolas HAUTIÈRE
- "Road maintenance and operation" Prize, Lucy WICKHAM, Paul MARSH
- "Best innovation - Maurice Milne medal" Prize, Masahiko IWAMA, Tamotsu YOSHINAKA, Shinobu OMOTO, Nobuyuki NEMOTO
- "Young professionals" Prize, Cempaka Maria Sarubin
- "Developing countries" Prize, Indu Sharma Dhakal
Road stories
Read Tocqueville or drive? Perspectives on the role of the automobile in American life - Mathieu Flonneau
The latest PIARC Technical Reports published in 2011
Note to the authors
¡Identifíquese antes de descargar cualquier documento!
180 pages, bilingual French-English, distribution: 7,500 copies towards 142 countries.
PIARC President: Anne-Marie Leclerc (Canada-Québec)
Director of Publication: Jean-François Corté
Editor in Chief: Jean-Marc Philippeau
Editorial Committee: Hector Bonilla (Mexique), Lloyd Brown (USA), Takahisa Fukushima (Japon), Leanne Grant (Australie), Philippe Lemoine (Belgique)
Art direction: Céline Le Graciet
Graphic designer: Cécile Aurousseau
Translations: Marie Pastol (AIPCR-PIARC), Isabelle Chemin, Isabelle Couté-Rodriguez, Robert Sachs
Also with the participation of: Claire Murdoch, Carolina Theolin-Palmell, Byong-jin Lee, Yasuyuki Matsumoto, Miguel Caso-Florez (aipcr/piarc)
Printing: IMB (France) ; Diffusion: GIS (France)
Price of a single copy: 20 €
Subscription (4 issues a year): 60 €
ISSN : 0004-556 X
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Los autores pueden ser o no miembros de la Asociación. Los artículos son revisados por pares, bien en los Comités Técnicos de PIARC bien por expertos exteriores, para decidir sobre su publicación. La revista se completa con información de la vida de la Asociación.
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