Revista ROUTES/ROADS - Todos los números disponibles
La revista de PIARC
Su revista trimestral sobre carreteras y transporte por carretera
Descubra la revistaN° 343 — Número especial REAAA - Gestión de activos de las carreteras para los resultados de la comunidad
3er Trimestre de 2009 / Julio
Contents of Routes/Roads magazine N° 343
What's new?
- Calendar
- Focus on PIARC Seminars in 2009
- What's new? PIARC Commissions 2009-2012
- Update: Quebec - REAAA
- Road Engineering Association of Asia and Australasia - Kieran SHARP, John METCALF, KS LOH
- AUSTRALIA: Regaining best use of Melbourne motorways. Monash-Citylink-West gate upgrade freeway management system - Phillip WALSH, Arthur DREPAS
- INDONESIA: Managing road assets for community outcomes - Dr Triono JUNOASMONO
- JAPAN: Efficient operation of road networks in Japan - A. FUJIMOTO, H. KANOSHIMA, H. SEKIYA et S. MATSUMOTO
- REPUBLIC OF KOREA: Parameters to be considered in pavement management systems and asset management - Dr Sungho MUN
- REPUBLIC OF KOREA: Korean expressway bridge management - Dr Hyeongtaek KANG
- MALAYSIA: Maintenance of Federal roads - Strategies and challenges - Ir. Hj. Sufian ZULAKMAL
- NEW ZEALAND: Transport solutions that support community outcomes - J. SKINNER, L. ROSSITER
- SINGAPORE: Transforming the road network to serve the diverse needs of the community - Dr KIAN-KEONG et C. SEKAR
- THAILAND: Slope management - Case study - Montri DECHASAKULSOM
Road stories
Note to the authors
112 pages, bilingual French-English.
PIARC President: Anne-Marie Leclerc (Canada-Quebec)
Director of Publication - Editor in chief: Jean-François Corté
Art direction: Céline Le Graciet
Publishing Assistant: Cécile Aurousseau
Translations: Marie Pastol (AIPCR-PIARC), Isabelle Chemin, Isabelle Couté, Robert Sachs
Also with the participation of: Véronique Anselin, Roger Apharel, Michelle Baran, Franck Charmaison, Jeremy Kaltenrieder, Sanna Kolomainen (AIPCR-PIARC)
Printing: IMB (France) ; Diffusion: GIS (France)
Price of a single copy: 20 €
Subscription (4 issues a year): 60 €
ISSN : 0004-556 X
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